Describe Job Description Format

Posted on December 16, 2022Categories Marketing and AdvertisingTags ,

The job description is the formal document that a company uses to present their requirements and expectations for its position. Here, we will clarify some of the most common types of job descriptions as well as provide a basic format so that you can take advantage of them in your own writing.

There are many different types of job descriptions, and each one is designed to attract a certain type of worker. Here are four types of job descriptions: 

1. The Functional Job Description: This type of job description is designed for workers who have specific skills and knowledge. For example, a computer programmer would typically use a functional job description. 

2. The Skill Level Job Description: This type of job description is aimed at workers who have intermediate levels of skills and knowledge. A flight attendant, for example, would use a skill level job description. To get more information about the job description format, you may visit VIVAHR.

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3. The Position Level Job Description: This type of job description is aimed at workers with no prior experience or specialized skills required for the position. A cashier, for example, would use this type of job description. 

4. The Customizable Job Description: This type of job description can be tailored to the qualifications and experience of the applicant. A sales representative, for example, would use a customizable job description to attract qualified candidates.


Job descriptions can be very helpful in determining which type of job you are best suited for. By reading through different types of job descriptions, you can better understand what skills and qualities are required for the position and whether or not those skills align with your own. Armed with this knowledge, you can then start to research specific jobs that match your interests and abilities.