Dental Implant A Suitable Option For Teeth Replacement

Posted on September 24, 2021Categories Health and FitnessTags ,

Whether it's a front or back tooth, dental implants can replace any missing teeth. Dental implants are tooth replacements that look and feel the most like natural teeth. Implants are made up of a metal post that fuses with bone. 

It acts as a root in the jaw bone. The crown sits on top of the gums and is similar to a natural tooth in its shape, color, and feel.

Implants are a great way to replace missing teeth. They are stable and secure. Implants require surgery, so not all people are suitable for them. Click here to get more details on tooth replacement.

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Implant surgery is only for those who are in good health. Implants require adequate bone to attach. To place the implant, a second procedure may be necessary to rebuild your jawbone. 

Your dentist will be able to determine if there is enough bone in your body. Your dentist will perform a complete evaluation to determine if your case is a good candidate.

After deciding that an implant is the best option for you, a surgery is performed in order to place the metal post. It may take up to six months for bone to grow around the implant posts while your gum tissue covers it. 

The replacement crown can be made after healing and fitted to the implant. The replacement crown is placed above the gums.

Implants are very similar to natural teeth. The procedure does not affect adjacent teeth. Implants can also help prevent future damage, by helping to prevent shrinkage in the jawbone from tooth loss.