What Is Red Light Therapy?

Posted on December 20, 2022Categories Business and ManagementTags

Red light therapy (RLT) is a type of light therapy that uses short, intense flashes of red light to treat conditions like anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. Red light therapy is based on the theory that certain colors can have different effects on the human body. 

It has been shown to have an antidepressant effect, while blue light has been shown to have a calming effect. You can get more information about Red Light Therapy at https://www.skinangel.shop.

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RLT works by stimulating your body’s natural healing process. When exposed to red light, your body releases endorphins – natural morphine-like substances – which help relieve pain and reduce stress.

The red light also helps blood flow more freely to the affected area, which boosts the immune system and aids in the healing process.

This is a type of phototherapy that uses short-wavelength red (620–660 nm) light to treat certain medical conditions. Red light therapy is most commonly used to treat eye conditions, including myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism.

The effectiveness of red light therapy depends on several factors, including the condition being treated, the wavelength of the light, and how it is delivered. Generally, higher doses of red light are needed to achieve results compared to other types of radiation such as ultraviolet (UV) or infrared (IR) light.

This therapy works by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. Short-wavelength red light directly targets visible blood vessels in the eyes and causes them to dilate, which leads to improved blood circulation and relief from eye Conditions such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

Use of Infrared Light Therapy For Pain Relief

Posted on June 9, 2021Categories Business and ManagementTags , ,

Pain is the main linkage between the human body and the mind. Painkillers and balms are successful for just a brief time period, as you didn't strike on the pain from its origin.

Infrared (IR) is the most widely used form of light therapy to alleviate discomfort. Low-Intensity Laser therapy is a kind of infrared light treatment utilized on more concentrated remedies.

Research contacted from the food and drug administration (FDA) has demonstrated that these technologies are successful in treating aching joints and muscular pain briefly.

The technology also assists in muscle relaxation and increasing the flow of blood. For centuries, this technology was in use, even if the user did not know the idea behind it.

Studies have shown LED technology treatment programs are painless and risk-free skin care therapy. It's so powerful to attain joints, muscles, and bones.

From the early world, light has been known as a distinctive variable and termed as the giver of life. In today's world, Niels Ryberg was the first scientist to examine how light treatment could be of assistance.

Back in 1903, he devised the first device that created artificial light and used it to heal various health states. Researchers in Eastern Europe issued books in case studies demonstrating that laser treatment helped in relieving pain for arthritis sufferers.