How To Increase The Lifespan Of Your Ortho-K Lenses

Posted on April 19, 2023Categories Business and ManagementTags , , ,

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) lenses are a popular option for people who want to correct their vision without wearing glasses or contact lenses. These lenses are designed to be worn overnight, and they gently reshape the cornea to improve visual acuity during the day. However, like any other contact lens, Ortho-K lenses require proper care and maintenance to ensure their longevity. You can click on this link to receive the best care for orthokeratology lenses.


Here are some tips and tricks on how to care for your Ortho-K lenses:

1. Clean your lenses daily

It is essential to clean your Ortho-K lenses every day to keep them in good condition. Use a contact lens solution recommended by your eye doctor and follow the instructions carefully. Avoid using tap water or saliva, as they can introduce harmful bacteria to the lenses.

2. Handle with care

When inserting or removing your Ortho-K lenses, be gentle to avoid scratching or damaging them. Use clean hands and avoid touching the lens surface as much as possible. If you drop your lenses, rinse them thoroughly with the solution before reinserting.

3. Store properly

When you are not wearing your Ortho-K lenses, store them in a clean case filled with the recommended solution. Replace the solution daily and rinse the case with fresh solution before using it again. Avoid exposing the case to moisture or heat, and do not reuse old solutions.

4. Follow your eye doctor's instructions

Your eye doctor will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your Ortho-K lenses based on your individual needs. Follow these instructions carefully, and do not hesitate to contact your eye doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

By following these tips and tricks, you can ensure that your Ortho-K lenses remain in good condition and provide you with clear vision. Remember to attend regular check-ups with your eye doctor to monitor your eye health and the effectiveness of your Ortho-K lenses.