How can you get rid of painful corns on the foot?

The corns that you get on the feet can become quite painful and have quite devasting consequences if they break down and become infected. A corn is nothing more than a small area in which the skin becomes thicker in response to too much pressure. That too much pressure might come from a toe deformity like hammer toes or a bunion. The higher pressure often comes from shoe that are too tight fitting. The thickening of the skin is quite a natural process. The skin normally becomes thicker when there is more pressure in order to protect itself. However, if that higher pressure keeps on going, then the skin will keep on getting thicker and results in a corn that becomes painful. In the severe cases, that corn can become infected. Corns do not have roots that they grow from.

A good podiatrist can easily remove a corn, but it is going to eventually come back as the higher pressure that caused it is still there. Eventually could be a matter of weeks for some people or many months in others. They do not come back because corns have roots, they come back because that higher pressure that caused it is still there.  The corn removal pads do not remove the cause either, they just use an acid that is supposed to eat away at the corn. That will not remove the cause. If you want to permanently get rid of corns, then you are going to have to get rid of the cause. That could mean getting better fitting shoes so there are no areas of excessive pressure. It could mean the use of pressure relieving pads that can get the higher pressure of an area. It could mean surgery to correct the hammer toes or bunion. If you have a corn and want to get rid of it permanently, then do not believe that they have roots. Get to a podiatrist and discuss your options for removing the cause.