Things To Do Before You Visit The Dentist

Posted on July 4, 2022Categories Business and ManagementTags ,

Dental care is a necessity for most, but the process can be daunting for some. Before you visit the dentist, make sure to do these things first!

If you are looking to have a positive experience with your dentist, your first visit is the best place to start. You can also go to this link to book the best dentist. 

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Here are some tips to make the visit go as smoothly as possible:

1. Clean your teeth and gums thoroughly before you visit the dentist. This will help to avoid any potential problems during the appointment.

2. Arrive on time. If you are late, the dentist may have to rush through the appointment and you could experience more pain or discomfort.

What to do before you go to the dentist

Before you go to the dentist, there are a few things you should do to prepare. Here are some tips:

1. Make an appointment. The sooner you go, the less time your dentist will have to spend working on your teeth.

2. Bring your dental records. This will help the dentist know what repairs or treatments you've had in the past.

3. Bring any relevant medical documents, such as your insurance card and prescription bottles. This will help the dentist decide which treatments are most appropriate for you.

4. Arrive wearing comfortable clothes and shoes. You don't want to be uncomfortable while the dentist is working on your teeth.

5. If you're nervous about dental procedures, talk to your dentist before your visit. He or she can explain the procedure in more detail and make sure you're comfortable with it.

Process of Getting the Braces

Posted on September 20, 2021Categories Health and FitnessTags , ,

The process of putting braces on can take one to two hours depending on how your teeth look and what type of braces you choose. There may be some pressure involved in certain parts of the process. But overall, getting braces put on doesn't hurt. If you are a resident of Mililani, then you can consult with certified Mililani orthodontics to get quality dental and orthodontic care services.


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Applying Spacers: Your dentist may place spacers between your back teeth if they are too close together. This is usually done about one week before braces are applied. This is necessary to allow for enough space to accommodate bands around your back teeth.

Spacers can cause pain in your jaw and back as your teeth shift to fit the spacing devices.

Cleaning: Your teeth are thoroughly cleaned and dried by the orthodontist before applying the braces.

Brackets: Small ceramic or metal devices that hold wires in place on your teeth, are called brackets. The orthodontist will place a little glue in each tooth's center to attach the brackets. To set the glue, they will shine blue light onto your teeth. Although the glue can sometimes taste bad, it is not toxic to your health.

Sliding on the bands: To anchor the braces, the orthodontist puts metal bands around your back molars.

After choosing a band that’s the right size for your tooth, the orthodontist applies some glue to the band, sets the glue with the blue light, and slides the band onto your tooth.

Attaching the archwires: At last, After the bands and brackets are in place, the orthodontist attaches the archwire to the brackets. To hold the wire in place, they wrap a small rubber band (ligature)around each bracket